Mobile version of one of the most popular battle royale games on the market is finally confirmed! Apex Legends developers announced that the same will take place in the coming period. Respawn is saying that the mobile version will hit testing in spring, but only in certain regions. The wider rollout will come after the testing period is finished, likely in a matter of weeks.
The game got a redesign that focused on touchscreen commands, with a streamlined control setup and detailed optimization. Because of that, Apex Legends should become what Respawn is calling the most advanced game from this genre on phones. This is a bold statement, especially because titles like PUBG Mobile already offer what is widely considered a seminal FPS mobile title. However, Apex should also stay true to the original in all important aspects.
Presently, it is known that Respawn is going to roll out the title through a series of limited tests, both geographically and in terms of gaming platforms. These closed beta testing procedures are going to take place in the Philippines and India. They will commence in a matter of weeks and take place on Android exclusively. Then, the iOS support will come as well, commencing with the expansion of the testing process.
Clearly, even though the exact date of the mobile Apex Legends release is not known, fans are going wild about the chance of playing Apex in this exciting manner.