Gamers will Finally get in Shape with this Youtube Channel!


Real world and worlds of video games are usually completely different. However, thanks to the work of people like Sebastian Galotto, the founder of Moveset Mastery, these worlds can come together! On his YouTube channel, he recreates games like Final Fantasy, Yakuza, Tekken and also uses the same content to get games in shape and stay healthy. To check out more of Sebastian's work, here is one of his latest videos, which analyses the moves of Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII. Watch the entire video right here:
It's clear that the process of analysis and presentation that Sebastian uses is both detailed and in-depth. Here, he recreates Zack's fighting style along with his sword, which has a real-world weight of about four kilograms. This influences everything, from actual cuts to Zack's balance and movement speed, as well as individual techniques like Chain Slash and Rush Assault.

It's clear that Moveset Mastery is hitting a chord with all manner of gamers, having presently nearly 5,000 subscribers - it showcases a range of games in its content, including the classic Yakuza series, but also games like Tekken and other well-known titles. This is due to the fact that Sebastian makes a range of video content types. These include YouTube shorts where he does a breakdown techniques and similar stuff. Then, there are the long YouTube videos where he does the moves from popular gaming franchises.  
But, that connection between games and real life of many gamers is where Sebastian and Moveset Mastery really make a difference. 
Here, Moveset Mastery acts as a brand that makes gamer have full body transformations with an unique fitness one-on-one programs. These programs basically make gamers get in shape! Sebastian is providing online courses and consultations to anyone who wants to become a master of their own physical fitness and overall health. With things like Yakuza Courses and the benefits they bring, it's really possible to apply the power of gaming for life-changing decisions. Best of all, Sebastian offers free consultations for anyone looking to change their wellness and fitness status.

If you want to know more about the amazing fighting styles from your favorite video games, be sure to follow these Instagram and X accounts. But, more importantly, subscribe to Moveset Mastery YouTube channel and visit its website right now to see if these moves can help you as well turn your actual life around with gaming!