Fans of high-quality independent role-playing games have something very cool to look forward to in the first quarter of 2022. That's the release period for Map Of Materials, an exciting RPG adventure set in a dynamic fantasy world. In this game, players take on a hero's journey where they need to discover the truth about their past and take on the dark secrets of a land that has been abandoned eons ago.
At its core, Map Of Materials is an open-world, third-person RPG that includes some of the key elements of this genre. First of all, it provides the mystery of a world that is past its former glory, where players can explore things like ruins, tombs, and caves. These are set in a range of environments, including things like dense woodlands, arid desert, and snow-covered areas.
The game comes with crafting and survival elements. With these, players will be able to create items that will help their survival chances and improve their weapons. In terms of combat, the game uses both melee weapons (sword) and a ranged weapon (bow). These trademarks of fantasy weaponry combine into an exciting setup in which players will take on quests and dangerous creatures that roam this mysterious world.
Lastly, the game offers a great atmospheric feel to its gameplay with an excellent soundtrack. That is the icing on the cake for this impressive indie RPG. Thanks to all of this, if you're a fan of the genre, wishlist the game on Steam and enjoy Maps Of Materials when it comes out in the first quarter of 2022! Until then, enjoy some of the sights from this impressive RPG title: