If you decide to check out the TriskyTV Twitch stream, the first thing that is going to greet you is one epic beard. The beard in question is long, braided (or something like that), red and full of overall awesomeness, just like its owner. The 25-year-old content creator and beard-owner behind this stream has been on Twitch since 2012.
Trisky, who’s a Twitch affiliate, plays a range of gaming titles. Recently, he’s been focusing on strategies, some FPS titles and occasional fighting games. Not surprisingly, he’s already really popular (not just on the account of the beard) with over 1000 followers and for good reason: Trisky is funny. By this I mean laugh-out-loud-funny which you can see in his Mount & Blade: Warband stream when for example, he tries to find an adequate fake voice for a random character.
But, if you’re looking for one reason to follow him, it should be his upcoming 365-day streaming challenge. During this period, he plans to stream once per day for at least one hour. Following that should be an amazing process, so better jump on board.
If this sounds like something you can get into, check out his website, Twitter and YouTube accounts. Lastly, follow his Trisky Twitch channel right now as well!