Some gaming videos simply showcase devotion to a game that is incredible. This video of Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 by Carlos Santana is one such clip. In it, this gaming content creator showcases his skills after hundreds of matches of PES 2020, as well as a love for the same game, both its digital version and in real life. In the video, he uses just one player - none other than the uncrowned king of free kicks, Cristian Ronaldo or the CR7 himself. The result is three minutes of pure football bliss, as you can see below:
From power kicks over the heads of the defensive wall that curve under impossible angles to technical shots below their feet, Carlos Santana showcases it all. The video is accompanied by a perfect tune which mixes an EDM beat with the Champions League choir anthem, giving the action an ideal musical background.
If you play PES and love CR7 and football (or soccer for any US visitors), you just have to watch this video. Also, don’t forget to check out more of Carlos Santana content on his Twitch stream and follow him on Instagram as well. Finally, don’t miss the chance to subscribe to his gaming YouTube channel!