Twitch Stream Showcase: Chadacus

Chadacus Twitch stream belongs to a busy gamer and content creator. The man behind it has a wife and a one-year-old, which means that his time is more than limited. Yet, in spite of that, Chadacus is willing and able to find time every day to stream from 8 PM to about 11:30 PM GMT - if that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is.

Currently, he’s playing mostly Destiny 2, where he plays both raid and PvP modes, as the majority of his streams showcase even now. However, Chadacus is already expanding into the ever-popular Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. In the near future, he plans to add League of Legends to that list.

Right now, he is still building his community and Twitch presence, so check out his Facebook fan page for more details and updates. Don’t forget to also follow his Chadacus Twitch channel, especially if you’re into Destiny, Diablo, and LoL!