Hot on Android: Ticket to Earth

You can tell a lot about an Android game by the starting lines of its description. Here’s what Ticket to Earth has written there:

A distant planet. A dying colony. A deadly conspiracy.

Now, I might be partial to good science fiction, but for me personally, these are some winning lines. The game is a tactical puzzle RPG that puts the players in the role of Rose. She is an inhabitant of the New Providence mining colony but who wants to get a passage out to Earth on the last ship. To do that, she must lead a group of misfits and get to their goal or die there.

The game is a premium app but it already racked almost 1000 reviews with an average score of 4.8. For the players, Ticket to Earth bears comparison with XCOM series, as well as Banner Saga, all great turn-based tactical strategies. The trailer as well showcases a great squad based RPG with cool graphics and a huge selection of characters and moves.

For now, Ticket to Earth game seems like a great choice for all RPG and strategy aficionados. Check out the game on Google Play right now!