Wonder Boy series is one of the seminal platformer franchise of all time. Now, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is coming to Android and it’s pre-registration page is available. Here’s what we know about the game so far.
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap Android Remake
Essentially, the game is a remake of the Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap, which appeared on the Master System precisely 30 years ago. The new version is developed by Lizardcube and it should hit the Android market on May 30th. It’s going to be a premium title and it will retail for $8.99. The pre-registration crowd will be able to get the game with a 30 percent discount.So far, the game looks worthy of the series and features some beautiful visuals. Also, the early reviews have been more than solid. Additionally, the game will feature no ads or purchase option thanks to its premium status, so playing it should be equally hassle-free.
If you’re a fan of the Wonder Boy games, check out Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap pre-registration page on Google Play.