Twitch Stream Showcase: BurntTaco_

If you want to know more about Tico and his BurntTaco_ Twitch stream, I suggest doing this first - checking out his YouTube channel very special intro video. Here, in just 21 seconds, you can see a time-lapse work that features Tico setting up his gaming corner, but also so much more. For me, it’s the ideal showcase or better said, a short insight into his dynamic mind. This casual streamer has a full-time job but also works tirelessly on the things he loves - gaming, content creation, and filmmaking. He started playing games as a little kid and he grew up, as he puts it, on a GameCube. From that point, Tico did not look back and he is currently working on some big new stuff.

I also love the fact that Tico believes that he’s always been and still is a weirdo. As a fellow weirdo myself, I’m glad Tico is fine with that fact, but more than that, I really appreciate him saying that because of that fact, he’ll never be sharing any negative judgment with his audience. He’s building an active community around his content, including a Discord server, so it’s really cool to hear that he’s putting in some healthy and solid foundations thanks to his unique experiences.

As for his gaming content, Tico is nothing if not versatile. Right now, you can see his clips and streams of games like Mortal Kombat 11, Assassin's Creed Unity, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Battlefield V, Apex Legends, For Honor and God of War. You don’t need to be a gaming journalist to see that this covers a truckload of genres and approaches. At the same time, you can watch his videos on Hand Simulator, The Jackbox Party Pack 5, EarthBound and let’s not forget, some awesome and hilarious Twitch Sings streams.

Thanks to all of this, fellow gaming (and regular) weirdos all over the planet, follow Tico on Twitter for all updates. But more importantly, check out his BurntTaco_ Twitch channel as soon as you get a chance!