You can figure out a lot about the aeonneorigins Twitch stream if you first check out the YouTube gaming channel from the same gaming content creator. The channel's cover image simply says “Gamer 4 Life” and you can quickly see this is more than true for him. Aeonne is a lifelong gamer who one day decided to create his stream. The visual inspiration for it came from his miniature cat called Kuro To Shiro (there’s another hint about his interests as well) but today, his content is much more than the result of a passing whim.
Aeonne runs a really organized and compact streaming operation. He sticks to a schedule (Mon-Fri from 8 p.m. with some option and more casual weekend streams) and his homepage on Twitch features plenty of panels, covering everything from chat rules to his goals. Right now, he’s playing Division 2, Destiny 2 and Monster Hunter World - Aeonne has a really laid-back style and his content is very pleasant-sounding. However, for me, he deserves the biggest props for saying in his bio panel that he wants to hear any feedback on his gaming and content creation, covering advice and criticisms. Gamers today are often too self-consumed for either of these and it rocks that Aeonne does not roll that way.
If you want to get more info on this content creator and his upcoming streams, check out his Twitter and Facebook presence. But, more importantly, don’t forget to follow his aeonneorigins Twitch channel!